Trisec type @ Friends – vernisaj

Diseară, la 6, la sediul Friends Advertising(la mansardă), are loc vernisajul trisec type – cu Sorin Bechira și Ștefan Romanu, doi ilustratori foarte foarte buni de la noi din țară:

Despre Sorin

Thirty-one years old awarded graphic/multimedia designer with a bachelor degree in fine arts, a bachelor in multimedia techniques and new media.

With more than 8 years of experience as a designer, able to work in a fast pace environment and able to push the limits of his creativity under tight deadlines and able to efficiently manage and provide unique, creative and sustainable solutions for interactive and branding projects.

Currently Creative Director at slashTHREE artgoup, Creative Director at X3 Studios and proud member of The KDU, he’s always open for new projects and challenges, so feel free to get into contact. In the meantime, don’t forget to browse this website to see a selection of his works.

Despre Ștefan

designer, revoluzzer, hüman

Hello, I’m Stefan Romanu.
I’m a designer currently living and working in Timişoara, Romania.

I grew up in Austria. After finishing highschool, I studied Literature at the University of Viena for 2 years. During that time I started working as a copywriter. Once that I decided literature was too boring for me, while lacking an insight into the human condition [  which interested me in the first place ], I dropped my literature courses, convinced my boss to let me work freelance and moved to Romania, where the cigarettes where cheaper and life more free.

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