for the author: Joy, I salute your red flag, this must hit mainstream media.
Am tot văzut articolul ăsta sharuit pe Facebook și doar câteva comentarii au cuprins esența lui. Nu e vorba despre cât câștigă un moderator de la Facebook, ci despre cât rău facem când dăm REPORT pozelor și statusurilor care nu ne plac. Da, nu mai dați REPORT statusurilor care nu vă plac decât dacă:
- autorul a încălcat o lege (aici intră majoritatea)
- prezintă un risc pentru el sau pentru alte persoane, iar mesajul poate duce la oprirea catastrofei
Vă las cu paragraful cel mai semnificativ:
I find the 7 year old girl who, too scared to tell an authority has figured out how to report a picture her uncle posted of her that was blatantly, obviously sexual, and begged for help. “He says he’s coming over today at 2. Can you please help me, I don’t know what to do.”
Thanks to your delicate sensibilities, I didn’t get to read her report until it was 5 her time. Four hours ago I could have possibly prevented another one of her rapes. I could have had the police waiting for him when he arrived at her house. Four hours from now I’ll probably cry myself to sleep because I didn’t get to. Thanks again, to people who obviously need to stay the fuck off of the internet. Why did her report not come up faster? Because she’s seven, she reported the picture as a lesser offense that reported properly would have bumped it up the queue past all of your cries of visual injustice.
Și folosiți cu încredere ghidul de mai jos:
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my qu.unions..esttil now.
Originale: Pedone schiva autobus al semaforo sulle strisce (Video) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Pedone schiva autobus al semaforo sulle strisce (Video)", url: